Public Tickets All Categories Pre Sale Questions (0) PrestaShop 8.x Technical Issues (16) PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues (8) Rubén Laguna Laguna Error showing rating starsClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated May 16, 2019 at 10:29am 2 Most recent comment from Andrea Bocelli:Hi Rubén Laguna Laguna,Go to the FieldThemes Configure then config them Michele contact form doesn't workClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated May 16, 2019 at 10:24am 21 Most recent comment from Andrea Bocelli:Hi Michele,1. Please update contact form folder in the thememodule2. get classic theme.js instead of the foder theme.js filethemesname_themeassetsjs Golden Market Imag résolutionClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated May 15, 2019 at 3:26am 2 Most recent comment from Criss:Hi Golden Market, Because the size of your photo is enlarged, it will be blurred. Choose a picture of the same size as the frame. Thank you for choosing our theme! Domenico Ruggiero Error 500 in bannersliderClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated May 15, 2019 at 2:26am 5 Most recent comment from Andrea Bocelli:Hi Domenico Ruggiero,Yes, have a nice day! Domenico Ruggiero Header image in pagesClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated May 14, 2019 at 10:10am 2 Most recent comment from Criss:Hi Domenico Ruggiero,You follow the actions in the admin page: FieldThemes configure / Manager Themes Customizer / Background / Thank you for choosing our theme! Piotr Lorem ipsum textClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated May 13, 2019 at 6:59am 4 Most recent comment from Criss:Hi Piotr,1: The text Lorem on the remaining is in different modules. You can optionally place your text.2: You clear the cache then refresh the website. ... Antonio [NewYork PS 1.7] Documentation for customizationClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated May 13, 2019 at 1:58am 4 Most recent comment from Andrea Bocelli:Hi Antonio,Thank you very much for your feedback!Please provide me FTP login information and Back Office access of your site. Piotr gearwheel iconClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated May 12, 2019 at 4:42pm 8 Most recent comment from Andrea Bocelli:Hi Piotr,You can use css to hide it.go to the directorythemesfashion1assetsfield-cssfield_style.cssand edit the file field_style.css Victor Ayala Instagram Block ProblemClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated May 11, 2019 at 3:18am 3 Most recent comment from Andrea Bocelli:Hi Victor Ayala,Yes, have a nice day! Victor Ayala ProductClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated May 10, 2019 at 2:21am 4 Most recent comment from Andrea Bocelli:Hi Victor Ayala,You're welcome! Domenico Ruggiero Deals of the week in Home PageClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated May 7, 2019 at 2:44pm 4 Most recent comment from Andrea Bocelli:Hi Domenico RuggieroYes, have a nice day!You're welcome! Please let me know if we can be of further assistance. If you're happy with the theme and support you received we would really appre ... Mirco Bussolari Show subcategoriesClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated May 7, 2019 at 2:27pm 5 Most recent comment from Andrea Bocelli:Hi Mirco,yes greatWish you a happy new day Ed Dumas Theme not workingClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated May 7, 2019 at 3:48am 11 Most recent comment from Martin FieldThemes:Hi , We do apologize for the inconvenience! Please submit a refund request here I will approve it to return your full money back. Thank you! Domenico Ruggiero image under Testimonials in Home PageClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated May 7, 2019 at 2:29am 8 Most recent comment from Andrea Bocelli:Hi Domenico Ruggiero,if you need help, please contact us, we will review and help you asap!Don't forget rating and give us some good words about our themes and our working on evanto.Many thanks ... Piotr descriptionClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated May 4, 2019 at 2:27am 4 Most recent comment from Andrea Bocelli:Hi Piotr,Yes, have a nice day! 1 910111213141516171819 35