Public Tickets All Categories Pre Sale Questions (0) PrestaShop 8.x Technical Issues (15) PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues (8) ARNOROULE Trie des sous catégories par ordre alphabétique en colonneClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated February 25, 2020 at 9:31am 4 Most recent comment from Criss:Hi ARNOROULE There is no filter for submenu's items in megamenu. You can only arrange by yourself. karen martinez "new" iconClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated January 28, 2020 at 10:36am 4 Most recent comment from Criss:Hi martinez Sorry for the delay. You can follow the path in the picture. Dbnet Srl Problem with a productClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated January 16, 2020 at 2:21am 2 Most recent comment from Criss:Hi Srl Sorry for bothering but could you send me a purchase code?You can check the product may not have been added in the search engine. (see attached image) mclk bug fashion 8Closed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated December 11, 2019 at 2:19am 2 Most recent comment from Martin FieldThemes:Hi Mclk,We do apologize for the inconvenience!But we don't think so.The content of the Homepage Fashion 8 is already inside the container, you no need to make boxed for it. You can see it on our ... Arpan Mondal Theme Demo Preview Does Not WorkingClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated December 10, 2019 at 10:06am 6 Most recent comment from Criss:Hi Mondal Those are just properties in CSS. You can change it. mclk home 8 demo PrestaShop 1.7Closed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated December 10, 2019 at 2:14am 2 Most recent comment from Martin FieldThemes:Hi Mclk, Here is demo for Home8 Fashion You can find the theme file installable in the theme package that you downloaded from theme ... mclk PrestaShop 1.7 home 8Closed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated December 10, 2019 at 2:14am 2 Most recent comment from Martin FieldThemes:Hi Mclk,Here is demo for Home8 Fashion can find the theme file installable in the theme package that you downloaded from themeforest ... Duonet Cart doesn't showClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated October 16, 2019 at 9:28am 5 Most recent comment from Criss:Hi Duonet Thanks for your review. Very happy to help you. kolorobia Admin issues after uploading data from Local Host on to the ServerClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated October 11, 2019 at 7:41am 2 Most recent comment from Criss:Hi kolorobia Can you send your BackOffice login information? I will check the problem directly. Admaker-TM New product slider horizontal (translation bug)Closed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated October 4, 2019 at 9:10am 3 Most recent comment from Criss:Hi AdmakerYes, the text in the module we have to add d = "name_module". That will help the texts get translated for multiple languages.Many thanks but for your comments. Joe Duerscherl NewYork pagebuilder megamenuClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated July 22, 2019 at 2:23am 2 Most recent comment from Criss:Hi Joe DuerscherlIn the file "/root/modules/fieldmegamenu/views/templates/hook/fieldmegamenu.tpl"You delete the "collapse class", circled in the tag (see attached image). Kami Missing style.cssClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated July 20, 2019 at 1:26am 4 Most recent comment from Criss:Hi KamiThanks for your review. Very happy to help you. Humberto Albarran Field Special Product Deal is not showing productsClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated July 17, 2019 at 2:51am 5 Most recent comment from Criss:Hi HumbertoI checked and the modules seem to be working wrong. You can uninstall and reinstall modules. Humberto Albarran Layered Navigation SearchClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated July 16, 2019 at 3:10am 8 Most recent comment from Criss:Hi HumbertoThere is a bit of style change, you want to remove the radio button. I think it looks good too. Zsolt Baji category filtering not workClosed PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues Updated July 5, 2019 at 2:00am 2 Most recent comment from Criss:Hi Zsolt In FTP you delete the file according to the path/root/override/classes/controller/ProductListingFrontController.php 1 678910111213141516 35