Public Tickets All Categories Pre Sale Questions (0) PrestaShop 8.x Technical Issues (16) PrestaShop 1.7 Technical Issues (8) Raymond New York Theme MegaMenuClosed PrestaShop 8.x Technical Issues Updated March 22, 2016 at 8:37am 4 Most recent comment from Criss:Here you'reCategory Women: Men Collection 2015 Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Shop now Women Collection 2015 Lorem Ipsum is simply dumm ... Sherazade Slideshow text positionClosed PrestaShop 8.x Technical Issues Updated March 18, 2016 at 7:28am 4 Most recent comment from Martin FieldThemes:You're welcome! Sherazade Rococo theme Products attributeClosed PrestaShop 8.x Technical Issues Updated March 18, 2016 at 6:37am 2 Most recent comment from Martin FieldThemes:Hi Sherazade,Thank you very much for using the our theme!Please send us the link of your site and some images about the attributes you said. Vladyslav change width of columns in footerClosed PrestaShop 8.x Technical Issues Updated March 18, 2016 at 5:30am 22 Most recent comment from Criss:yes, you can. If you know how to use prestashop "hook". You can add $HOOK_BLOCKPOSITION1, $HOOK_BLOCKPOSITION2, $HOOK_BLOCKPOSITION3, $HOOK_BLOCKPOSITION4 to any page you want. Alex Days counted wrong on daily dealsClosed PrestaShop 8.x Technical Issues Updated March 17, 2016 at 8:32am 2 Most recent comment from Criss:We can't login to your FTP with old account so please open:"root/themes/hera/js/field-vela/jquery.field.js"Find: function initCountdown(el) { el.countdown(el.attr('data-time')).on('update.count ... Mohammad i can't add dollars , euro and GBP Closed PrestaShop 8.x Technical Issues Updated March 17, 2016 at 6:09am 2 Most recent comment from Criss:Did you read this: Mohammad admin panel products imgsClosed PrestaShop 8.x Technical Issues Updated March 17, 2016 at 6:06am 2 Most recent comment from Criss:Please provide us FTP credentials and Back Office access of your site VIA PRIVATE REPLY. We will check it and help you asap! Mohammad slider isn't workingClosed PrestaShop 8.x Technical Issues Updated March 16, 2016 at 12:51pm 4 Most recent comment from Criss:Thank you for the info but we saw the problem has been fixed, please check again. We didn't do anything. Did you do it? Justin FieldslideshowClosed PrestaShop 8.x Technical Issues Updated March 15, 2016 at 12:18pm 4 Most recent comment from Criss:You can't see data-u="image" because it's JS.You can change the position of the text, can't change the position of the image. Justin Different logo depending on pageClosed PrestaShop 8.x Technical Issues Updated March 14, 2016 at 3:22pm 3 Most recent comment from Justin:I found out eventually. I post the solution here if someone has the same concern. If you want a different logo for your homepage : 1- upload file in /img/ (logo-hp.png) 2- Go to MySQL, i ... Mohammad images quality issue, Search is not function properlyClosed PrestaShop 8.x Technical Issues Updated March 14, 2016 at 1:44pm 2 Most recent comment from Criss:- Could you please provide us your FTP & Back Office info, we'll fix it.- You can see the options in: Back Office > Preferences > Images(attached image) Vladyslav change colors of buttons and headerClosed PrestaShop 8.x Technical Issues Updated March 10, 2016 at 12:33pm 6 Most recent comment from Criss:Yes, it doesn't. You can change some options: font family, color, background,... in Back Office > FIELDTHEMES > Manage Theme Customizer Mohammad whatsapp share button and skype on footerClosed PrestaShop 8.x Technical Issues Updated March 10, 2016 at 11:20am 4 Most recent comment from Martin FieldThemes:Hi Mohammad,Sorry, we don't provide custom service.We can help you with the issues of the theme only.If you have any issues with the theme such as questions, bugs are related to the theme then we will ... Hugo Costa Change text in Field Quick search blockME Closed PrestaShop 8.x Technical Issues Updated March 10, 2016 at 5:15am 10 Most recent comment from Criss:You're welcome!Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.If you're happy with the theme and support you received we would really appreciate it if you could leave us a review over on themef ... Kingsley How to change theme colourClosed PrestaShop 8.x Technical Issues Updated March 8, 2016 at 1:57pm 12 Most recent comment from Criss:We're sorry but we don't provide custom service. We think you should go to prestashop forum to find the solution. 1596061626364656667