  Public Ticket #989605
I can not change a content - THEME MONACO


  •  2
    Euller started the conversation


    I bought a theme prestashop http://demo.fieldthemes.com/ps_monaco/home3/en/. I need change a content, this content is in top. The content has the string "



    Welcome to Monaco !

    The content is in header of the html.

    Where i can change the content above? Thanks

  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    Thank you very much for using our theme!

    You need change content top-header, please note:

    + English: go to file "blocklanguages.tpl" (root/themes/monaco/modules/blocklanguages/blocklanguages.tpl) to edit and change there.

    + USD: go to file "blockcurrencies.tpl" (root/themes/monaco/modules/blockcurrencies/blockcurrencies.tpl) to edit and change there.

    these are 2 modules of prestashop default, hope you understand and can modify them.

    + About "acount, login,...", please go to file nav.tpl

    (root/themes/monaco/modules/blockuserinfo/nav.tpl) and change there:

    <!-- Block user information module NAV  -->
    <div id="mobile_links">
        <div class="current">{l s='My account' mod='blockuserinfo'}</div>
        <ul id="header_links">
                <!--<li><a href="{$link->getPageLink('contact', true)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='Contact Us' mod='blockuserinfo'}">{l s='Contact Us' mod='blockuserinfo'}</a>
                {$context = Context::getContext()}
                    <a class="link-myaccount" href="{$link->getPageLink('my-account', true)|escape:'html'}" title="{l s='Account' mod='blockuserinfo'}">  {l s='Account' mod='blockuserinfo'}</a></li>
            <a class="link-wishlist wishlist_block" href="{$context->link->getModuleLink('blockwishlist', 'mywishlist')}" title="{l s='My wishlist' mod='blockuserinfo'}">  {l s='Wishlist' mod='blockuserinfo'}</a></li>
               {if !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}
                <a class="link-mycart" href="{$link->getPageLink('order', true)|escape:'html'}" title="{l s='My cart' mod='blockuserinfo'}">  {l s='Checkout' mod='blockuserinfo'}</a>
                {if $logged}
                                     <a href="{$link->getPageLink('my-account', true)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='View my customer account' mod='blockuserinfo'}" class="account" rel="nofollow">  {l s='Hi' mod='blockuserinfo'}, {$cookie->customer_firstname} {$cookie->customer_lastname}! </a>
                                <li class="last">
                                     <a class="link-out" href="{$link->getPageLink('index', true, NULL, "mylogout")|escape:'html'}" title="{l s='Log out' mod='blockuserinfo'}"  rel="nofollow">  {l s='Logout' mod='blockuserinfo'}</a>
                                <li class="last">
                                    <a class="link-login" href="{$link->getPageLink('my-account', true)|escape:'html'}" title="{l s='Login' mod='blockuserinfo'}"  rel="nofollow">  {l s='Login' mod='blockuserinfo'}</a>
    <!-- /Block usmodule NAV -->

    Hope you can make it.  and note, this text of module can to be translation from back office > translation from module > (search nav) and translate text.


    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  •  2
    Euller replied

    Dears, thanks for response, i got solve this question.

    Ended, i have other doubt, how i can change the images thumbinails of featured categories? I need change this area 

    Where i put the images? In my store the thumbinails of categories not are being showing. Can you help me please?

    See the issue in my store: http://bnioutlet.com.br/

    Thanks a lot.

  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    Thanks for reply, please give us info to access to back office of your store.

    we will show you how to do it.


    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  •   Euller replied privately
  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    Hi, thank for your info, we will check and help you on early morning tomorrow.

    We're sorry but our working time's over, so please be patient. We'll check it & reply you asap!

    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    HI, good morning and have a nice day!

    Please check images below:

     please go to your FTP and delete folder cache and check that, it's ok.


    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  •  2
    Euller replied

    Petter, how is the path of folder cache? Thanks

  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    hi, path is "root/cache/smarty/...",

    please delete 2 folder 'cache' and 'compile' on there or rename them and check again.


    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  •  2
    Euller replied


    I did all things that you say bellow.

    But the my store continue with the same issue.

    The images not are being display.

    How we can solve this question? My client is nervous with me about the issue.


  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    Sorry you about our delay.

    we have 2 days off weekend.

    we checked again from our demo and our localhost, we have no problem with images of this module. So could you give us FTP credentials access to root of your store.

    We will check it again  and give you feedback asap!


    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  •   Euller replied privately
  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    hi, good morning and have a nice day.

    we sorry because Our confusion, it's our mistake when give you image about content on that block.

    Please check again, images you want display is input on category,and input on field "menu thumnail":

     please check again that. 

    Thanks and have a good day!

    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  •   Euller replied privately
  •  1,594
    Criss replied


    we sorry because don't check that from your store, 

    we are checking  from your back office, please patient!

    we will fix it as soon as!

    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  •  1,594
    Criss replied


    we sorry but we check again from prestashop default and from our localhost, we realize from back office > category, prestashop default have field "menu-thumbnails", and our theme don't impaction on anything function from back office .

    We try install our theme and check, everything is ok.

    Please change theme on your store to theme "default-bootstrap" to check that, or please install quickstart prestashop default to check that.

    We look forward to hearing feedback from you!

    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    Hi, one again we give you video we check from quickstart prestashop default and check menu-thumnails when install our theme.

    We give it for you, hope you understand and check again your server. we don't thinks error from our theme, please see video from attach files.

    Thanks and have a nice day!

    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    HI, we tried to find why and solution for your store, could you tell us what do you make after install our theme with your store:

    We hope will solved your problem from your feedback.


    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes