Comments 2etienne started the conversationNovember 12, 2016 at 5:18pmHow to delete: my wishlist at the top of the rococo theme?When I remove the module from the prestashop backoffice nothing happens..Thx 1,594Criss repliedNovember 14, 2016 at 5:13amHi, god morning, have a nice day and a good week with your working,we sorry about our delay, we have 2 days off can delete it from "delete or comment it from file nav.tpl"(root/themes/rococo/modules/blockuserinfo/nav.tpl) line 9: <li> <a class="link-wishlist wishlist_block" href="{$context->link->getModuleLink('blockwishlist', 'mywishlist')}" title="{l s='My wishlist' mod='blockuserinfo'}"> {l s='My wishlist' mod='blockuserinfo'}</a> </li> Best Regards,Criss - FieldThemes Sign in to reply ...
How to delete: my wishlist at the top of the rococo theme?
When I remove the module from the prestashop backoffice nothing happens..
Hi, god morning, have a nice day and a good week with your working,
we sorry about our delay, we have 2 days off weekend.
you can delete it from "delete or comment it from file nav.tpl"
(root/themes/rococo/modules/blockuserinfo/nav.tpl) line 9:
Best Regards,
Criss - FieldThemes