  Public Ticket #938407
Instalar tipo de letra en la plantilla Rando


  •  2
    Hugo started the conversation

    Buenos días,

    Queremos utilizar el siguiente tipo de letra en la plantilla v1 Rando:. Bradley Hand ITC
    Como podemos establecer esta carta?

    Instalar tipo de letra en la plantilla Rando

    Good Morning,

    We want to use the following letter font in the template v1 Rando: Bradley Hand ITC.
    As we can set this letter?

  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    Hi, good morning and have a nice day.

    Thanks for your patient, we have 2 days off weekend.

    You can config all font-family for your website if from list google-font from back office exists that fonts:

    If font that you want use isn't font-google, you want to use it, you have to make font-face, please refer to how font-face following link below:


    If you need help from us, we are always really!


    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  •  2
    Hugo replied

    We add @font-face in global.css but I need to know how do i include into the theme.


  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    Hi, please copy font-face that you genarate from font you want add your theme to folder fonts

    (root/themes/rando_theme../fonts) and note link for font-face css add from global.css:


    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  •  2
    Hugo replied


    We did already your indications but we don't see our new fonts in fieldthemecustomizer.

    We add the font in /rando_theme1/fonts, then we add in global.css @font-face.

    Back to fieldthemecustomizer we don`t see new font, please, see screenshots

    How do I choose new font from fieldthemecustomizer.


  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    Hi, good morning and have a nice day with working.

    We think we didn't understand you. As we told if you want use font that don't have on google-font, you have to add it by font-face. As we guide and you made mean we add font-face for theme, not the way how to add font to font google and can sellect it from list font-google on fieldthemecustomizer.

    Please provide us FTP credentials and Back Office access of your site.

    We will check it and give you feedback asap!


    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  •  2
    Hugo replied

    Here we give the access data:

    FTP para acceder a calzadoymoda.com

    Usuario: themesupport

    Pass: #Theme@01


    Url: http://calzadoymoda.com/admin_site

    Usuario: [email protected]

    Pass: Theme@01

    Please, once modified the files we inform you that they have done.
    Thank you

  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    Hi, we add font "bradley-hand-itc" on list select google-font from back office, please delete cache, put as image and check again:

    Hope it's ok, please check and give us your feedback.


    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  •  2
    Hugo replied

    It's ok now but, can you tell me what did you do? again i ask you this one more time, what are the steps in order to configure fonts in the template?


  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    Hi, as we told you before, if from list google-font have no font you want, you can sellect, so we need use font-face for your website and add it to list google-font and sellect:

    + step1: create font-face as you made, very good for your working.

    + step2: add that font-face to list google-font to sellect from list from back office font:

    Go to file "fieldthemecustomizer.php" (path root/modules/fieldthemecustomizer/fieldthemecustomizer.php), edit this file, go to line  653, add "bradley-hand-itc" for websafefonts, and go to lines 729 add line code:

    'Bradley-hand-itc' => array('subsets' => array('latin'), 'variants' => array('300', '400', '700')),

    then clean cache, go to back office and check. it's ok.

    Hope you understand.


    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  •  2
    Hugo replied

    How can we increase font size since we have custom fonts configurated in the theme?

    Thanks in advance.

  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    Hi, from our theme, we have no option to config font-size for custom fonts configurated in the back office.

    We sorry about that. So font-size of theme to be fixed from css.

    As you see,from our theme, we have many block use font with font-size different.

    please tell us where you want change font-size, if possible, please give us some screenshots, we will show for you where to change value of font-size.


    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  •  2
    Hugo replied


    Following your instructions, we did the modification in order to change fonts. Now we can see that not all the texts has been changed. I attached you screenshots to see where the text not been changed. Please tell us how can we fix this.

    url: http://calzadoymoda.com/


  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    Hi, we added these element to list element chane font-family following config font-family from back office for your site. Now it's ok, please check again.

    Thanks and have a nice day!

    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  •  2
    Hugo replied

    Thanks, but we need to know how you did it, we have two environments (development & production) you did the changes into development and we have to deploy to production. Please, tell us how you fixed this.

  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    Hi, sorry you because we can't connect to your FTP, so we give you how to fix it with line of file "fieldthemecustomizer.php" near or round it.

    ( root/modules/fieldthemecustomizer/fieldthemecustomizer.php)

    please go to about line  436 and 446, you can see field

    "FIELD_mainFont" and "FIELD_titleFont", please add elements that you want change font-family following config font-family from back office > Fieldthemes > Manage Theme Customizer > font:

    then save and please  go to back office > Manage Theme Customizer > font: config font for web and save, it's ok

    Thanks and have a nice day with work!

    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes