  Public Ticket #3181409
Field PopUp Newsletter ISSUES


  •  8
    SPYRIDON started the conversation


    Field Popup Newsletter by FieldThemes has ISSUES and I had to disable it


    When customers register their e-mails through the PopUp Newsletter it shows that a reply is sent to the customer’s mail box but in fact there is nothing received by the customer and nothing shows anywhere in Back Office of the registered e-mails.


    When try again to register the same e-mails the PopUp shows that are already registered therefore the customers e-mails are trapped and can NOT be used again.see file1


    Please can you let me know how to fix it and also how to un-trapp the customer’s e-mails to be usable again ?


    Just to let you know that the Newsletter subscription by Prestashop works fine inside shop. See file2


    Admin account specific rights for your module I’m sending in Private to check it out

    Please If you need other specific rights let me know.



  •   SPYRIDON replied privately
  •  331
    Andrea replied

    Check if there is an email in your email, if there is an email, it will notify you that your email has been registered.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    There is no mail in my mail neither to the customer.

    Please enable the module to try it and see.

    The popup displays that the inserted email is registered but hasn’t sent any replies nowhere and the mails are blocked not able to reuse them  



  •  331
    Andrea replied

    Sorry for the late reply, I was sick.
    You can send us full rights to your account

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •   SPYRIDON replied privately
  •  331
    Andrea replied

    The Newsletter Popup module is only for email subscriptions and it will be saved with the email registered in the Newsletter subscription module. It only registers emails so you should only be able to see that email being registered, not sending an email.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    You have my full account access can you please try to subscribe with one of your own emails and then tell me where exactly I can see it in my Back Office?

    I have subscribed with five (5) of my own e-mails and I can’t find them anywhere in my BO, neither  any verification in my in-boxes, plus I cannot use them again because it shows as already registered and are blocked. See attached files with only a couple of my e-mails used.

    Can you please see carefully the popup notices on top of the e-mails that appear at subscription and explain to me the meaning of what is written on them?


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    They are saved in the same tbale of databse, so when you have registered, it will notify you that your email has been registered.
    maybe you're caching it so it's not showing up there again. On our site, the registered email is still displayed normally

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    I found the register e-mails in Database and can delete them to unblock. See file

    Is that how your module works ? I have to go search in Database to find if there is anyone subscribed ? it is ridiculous

    The module does not notify of a register e-mail neither register anywhere in BO to see.

    Back in May I had opened a ticket with another issue with this module that was not responsive with mobiles and you did something to hidden it with the excuse that mobiles have small screen.

    Your module is not working properly.

    Can be fixed ?


    is the e-mail: ''[email protected]'' yours?


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    1. That module is only for email subscription and it will show up in the email list in the backoffice.
    On our server it is displaying normally
    Maybe you are caching so new emails are not updated there
    2. The module is only hidden on mobile because on mobile it is small and it will cover the entire screen. We just added a style to hide it from mobile

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    I’m sorry but your module is not working on my end.

    I have registered 5 e-mails through your module Field newsletter and only appear in the Database but not in my BO

    I have registered 2 e-mails through the module of prestashop newsletter and both show up in my BO and also automatically have sent verifications to the e-mail boxes. See files

    Your module is useless for me and I can not use it.

    If you remember there were also  issues with the Blog and Wishlist modules that you sent me replacement modules.


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    We're sorry for our late reply because we had weekend days off.
    You can reset the module and review it.
    Note: backup content in the module to avoid data loss

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


     I reset  the module  but still same problem no register in Back Office only in Database and now the other newsletter module by prestashop  above footer used to work fine but not anymore and has same problem as your module  plus a permanent sticky popup note that doesn't go away. 

    I don't know what to say anymore , there is always problems coming up continuously, maybe I'm bad luck or need to have code knowledge.  

    Please are you able to look and check seriously into the issues and can you try to fix them?

    I’m sending accounts permissions next in private


    PS: I've disabled all newsletters but you can enable them to check  and try them yourself to see  and understand the problems.

    I hope  you're well and all is OK, because during the weekdays you don't delay to help out.   

  •   SPYRIDON replied privately
  •  331
    Andrea replied

    We cannot access your site using the information you provide. You can check it again

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    Sorry I hadn’t activated your account access to my Back Office but FTP to public_html was valid.

     I’ve activated your account to BO, I tried it and was OK but now that I try again to log in to my Back Office there is an HTTP ERROR 500 and I can’t log in. see file

    Have you done anything to any file through your accounts access?

    Please can you try log in to Back Office and advise me ASAP ?


  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied



    While waiting for your reply I’ve contacted my Host about the BO problem and informed me that files are missing under a folder. See the screenshot_1

    Please can you let me know as soon as possible when you return in office if you have any knowledge about this?

    My Host is waiting to restore the files so I can have my BO back.


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    We do not access and change nothing about the file on your site, you can restore it

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    Thanks for your quick reply.

  •  331
    Andrea replied

    Thank you, have a nice day

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    Please HELP

    My TMD hosting tried but could not fix the issue

    I'm without Back Office with an uncontroled ENABLED site running

    Please can you look into the issue and let me know ASAP?

    I've attached private full account access

    This Help will be most appreciatted

    Thank you in advace for your professionalism 

  •   SPYRIDON replied privately
  •  331
    Andrea replied

    As you can see it is saying no file, check that file again.
    You should back up your site before making major changes.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    please can you tell me which file is that?

    it says HTTP ERROR 500

    can you help to fix it?


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    We're sorry for our late reply because we had weekend days off.
    You found that file in your theme archive the previous times, we don't know what you did on your server to lose that file

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team