  Public Ticket #3093406
Wishlist is not working & Smart cache for Java script breaks shop.


  •  8
    SPYRIDON started the conversation



    Wishlist is not working & when switched ''Smart cache for Java script'' to YES it Breaks my Front Office. see files

    Please can you check them out and let me know ASAP?

    Account Full Permission is in private


  •   SPYRIDON replied privately
  •  331
    Andrea replied

    1. You don't need to enable Smart cache for Java script for your site, it doesn't benefit anything from NO
    2. We can't connect to your backoffice to test the modulem, Please provide it back to us for testing.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •   SPYRIDON replied privately
  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    I’ve send you new account access  rightn away 1 hour ago, if you have no time to check now I’ll need to recall again and send you new access Monday morning.


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    Sorry for not being able to check in for you at the time you want.
    You can send it on Monday, around 8pm GMT +7.
    Thank you

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied

    Good morning,

    No problem I’m sending new account full access from now and you can do it at your convenience as early as possible during the day.

    (just a reminder that wishlist has disappeared from FO page and all products)


  •   SPYRIDON replied privately
  •   Andrea replied privately
  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    We had made modifications back in March 2022 with another ticket ( wishlist button-action ) I wanted  to display the quantity on the FO button same as the compare button, which was fixed but not 100% (you may want to check that ticket to see the modifications we had done).

    Now I've cleared all cache and my host server do not use any server-side cashing solutions as they informed me.

    I also replaced the module you sent me which I think is the original module of the theme but still wishlist is not working.


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    We have installed a new module for you, it is already visible on your page

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    Thanks for the wishlist it seems OK, but other things have been messed up now.

    The product comparison list is displaying weird and in modules ‘’the field compare products’’ shows that needs to be upgrade but is not working. See file

    The shopping cart does not display any more while the cart summary in BO register the cart normal. See files

    You had disabled all my cache, obviously while fixing the wish list but now when I Enable back my caching system  ‘’CacheMemcached’’ it prevents the Blog from Displaying any more in FO.

     Can you please check them out ASAP?

     I’ve left the full account access open for you.


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    1. Your cart icon has shown
    We need to disable your cache, as it is conflicting with prestashop base file and cannot access Module Manager to edit, we need to disable it to access it. Your blog is still visible when cache is turned off
    2. You do not need to update the compare module, the module we install for you is being used by us in our latest themes.
    3. Your Compare has been edited

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied

    Hi, (I was away for a while)

    I’m sorry but is not normal not to be able to use cache, caching system is very important for the speed of my shop and I need to be able to use it but when I try to enable it, the Block and cart icon disappear from FO

    Also the compare list displays OK in Greek but not in English .

    see attached files

    How can I fix to be able to use cache? Also to fix the compare list in English?

    I attached full account access in private next.


  •   SPYRIDON replied privately
  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    Can you please check into the issues I’ve already described in my previous message ASAP and let me Know?

    It has been too long in development, I need to enable my shop but not before solving these last few issues.

    You’ve solved so many issues by now and it’s sad to give up now on this nice theme of yours.

    By the way the cart icon has appeared now on menu but the wish list icon on the side of FO has been disappeared. See attach file


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    The shopping cart and Cache module belongs to prestashop, we do not have the right to access and change it. You can contact prestashop support for assistance.
    Since the cache saves your page as a backup, it has the same function as the shopping cart module.
    Your page still works normally when not using cache, fast loading or not is because your server is strong enough or not.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied



    I disabled Caching and now my FO is Broken-down, there is No display of field Popup Newsletter, PRODUCT CATEGORIES, DISCOUNTS, FEATURED PRODUCTS, WISHLIST and TESTIMONIALS is not Fullwidth as used to.

    Pease can you check it out ASAP and tell me what’s wrong and how to fix it back?

     It’ll be most appreciated


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    You can check it again

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    WISHLIST icon NO display (NO WISHLIST), the rest with a quick look seems OK.

    Can you please explain to me why is this happening and how you fix it?

    Most appreciated


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    We've added a wishlist for you.
    We have fixed this problem for you before, please keep that in mind and do not make changes to the module

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    Module notifications in BO display that Field Wishlist module needs to be update, what do I do?

    Can you tell me how you previously fixed the Popup Newsletter, PRODUCT CATEGORIES, DISCOUNTS, FEATURED PRODUCTS to display again? and why my FO was broken-down?


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    We have turned off Smart cache for JavaScript in Performance
    You do not need to update the blockwishlist module, we still use the module installed for you in our latest themes.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    I’ve also noticed the smart cache for CSS is also turned off, can I turn this ON?

    Can I aso turn ON the Caching-use cache at the bottom of Performance page?


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    Sorry for the late reply as we were busy yesterday
    You can try turning it on, it's a prestashop feature, and you can customize it.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team