  Public Ticket #3075204
fieldtestimonial module issue


  •  8
    SPYRIDON started the conversation


    I just tried to insert a couple new testimonial posts and module is not working.

    I'm sending accesses to check it out in private next

    I tried to give you access to this module in back Office ibut is not working either. for other modules access is Ok.


  •   SPYRIDON replied privately
  •  331
    Andrea replied

    You can give us an account with full access to test it.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •   SPYRIDON replied privately
  •  331
    Andrea replied

    You check the cache on your site and server, we have edited a few places on the testimonial to check but your site is not accepting it.
    You clear the cache and reload the page.
    We also test locally with your theme, everything is fine.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    I’ve tried but Is not working plus I always clear all cache everywhere, DNS on my computer etc. plus all my cache in back office are off as you can also check.

    why the site is not accepting is there may be a conflict with something else that we may have changed in the past?

    What else would you suggest?

    I reset the module and only the 3 demo posts display. Does not display any new posts.  

    Maybe if uninstall it completely and get another module? Is another one going to work with this theme?


  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    Please note that I’ve cancelled your account access temporarily.

    I’m replacing your testimonials module and I may need the account access.

    My shop is on development for so long and I need to upload it ASAP.

    I’ll let you know of the outcome of the replacement.

    Thanks for all the hep so far.

  •  331
    Andrea replied

    You can download the new module here
    After uploading the module, you reset the module to use it.
    It will display differently than the old module, but there will be better ones.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    I installed the new module but displays wired in double and also on the back of the already new background displays the old background from the original module which I already have temporary deleted from the modules in Cpanel file Manager.

    See attached file and I’m attaching in private your new accounts full access


  •   SPYRIDON replied privately
  •  331
    Andrea replied

    We have edited the testimonial block for you, can you replace it with a smaller image, it is too big and stretched.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    I've tried but is not working.

    Is it working from your side if you put a smaller image? 


  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied

    I tried smaller background images from BO config. settings: see file

    but the config. settings is not working, background image display only from field-css, bg_testimo old file

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    The problem is not a smaller image but comes from somewhere else like maybe the surrounding frame (container) that hosts the image?

    I also tried smaller images in field-css, bg_testimo, from 1920 x 660 px that suppose is the right size according to your demo, down to 175 x 60 px  but no change the size in FO no matter the input size.

    I had to temporary delete the bg_testimo but now there is a large Gap (empy space where the background image used to be) between the below block of OUR BLOG and a smaller Gap between the above block of FEATURED PRODUCTS

    Can you fix that and maybe the background image to follow the smaller container?


  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    I'm sendimg the attachment which goes with my last message.


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    As you can see, your photo is getting blurry (attached image).
    We uploaded another photo, it is still clearly visible on your page.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    I do not think that we can communicate good this time.

    Blurry is not the problem I’ve fixed the photo blurry on purpose to distinguish from the testimonial


    I’ve uploaded a clear photo now jpg 1920 x 660 and your photo was png 1920 x 700

    The problem is the size of the background that looks expanded vertically and horizontally, without being able to adjust it either by replace with a smaller image the bg_testimo or try to adjust the width from the configuration settings from BO module which is not functioning.

    Is there a way to adjust the display size of the background image on the FO? If not I’d rather delete  completely the background but then it leaves Gaps on top and below from the adjacent blocks, can these Gaps be minimized (adjusted)?

    Please let me know if you understand me or not.



    If you compare on same size window (26.5 cm height X 45 cm width) your demo testimonials background of Fashion 9 theme that I also use, my shop’s testimonials background  is expanded by 2,3 cm more vertically (Height) and also horizontally (width).

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied

    Hi Andrea,

    I’m sorry but in the next half hour I’ll have to recall temporarily your account access because I need to test a new module ASAP.

    I’ll let you know when I’ll reinstate the account again unless you think the testimonials background display OK and no need to do anything else about it. 


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    You can provide your account back to us, we will check it for you.
    Sorry for replying late.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •   SPYRIDON replied privately
  •  331
    Andrea replied

    We were unable to log in with the information you provided.
    Currently, we do not have a function for customers to create testimonials by themselves, it is only for admins, please understand that.
    You can do other things on the BO at the same time, as long as you don't make changes that coincide with the changes we're working on.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    OK no problem with the functionality as long as we can fix the background image size.

    Now I also encounter another issue I had temporarily deleted your module to test the other module as I mentioned in my private reply but  when I restored back yours does not display any more on FO

    Can you check it out and let me know also

    I corrected the passwords inside the previous private reply for your full account access.


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    That module is disabled, you just need to go to Module Manager and enable it.
    We have re-uploaded your background image, it is now displaying normally.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    My fault I had forgotten was disabled, Thanks.

    I guess is OK now, I also changed background.

    how do I adjust the distance between the adjacent reviews not to be so close together  and also to expand the limit of text in reviews? see attachment


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    We have shown full post and sauwr distance for you, you can check it again.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •  8
    SPYRIDON replied


    OK All Good


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    Nice to help you, have a nice day.
    Thank you

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team