  Public Ticket #2957293
Template issues


  • Nick Papachatzis started the conversation

    Hi there...
    I was anxiously expecting your last update to see what glitches would be resolved and i would like to mention a few that are not resolved still through all templates (yes i understand there are many layouts and templates)

    Elementor 1.7  template classic 2 has since the beggining the following issues..
    1) Customization block such as add  text /upload file is showing nowhere, this was usually visible in the product page to the righ column.
    2) Products with color combinations and different photo per color when choosing different color the matching photo is not changing!  On the contrary what is changing is the small photo on the upper left corner. Which should be the main one! Due to this customers have to guess that the zoom out icon will show corresponding photo .. you need to change the photo positions, enlarge the small to the left corner and bring it to the center so that when a combination is chosen the main photo also changes to the appropriate! 

  •  331
    Andrea replied

    1. Customization block is being hidden by style
    You find it and delete it so that the Customization block appears on your product page
    2. We have updated the store, now cover image and thumbnail image will change accordingly when changing attribute or color respectively

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  • Nick Papachatzis replied

    Hi there...Can you please tell  me on which file is the code that i need to delete to show product customization again?

  •  331
    Andrea replied

    You go to file /themes/theme-classic2/assets/field-css/field_style.css to find and delete it

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  • Nick Papachatzis replied

    Hi there...
    i upgraded prestashop today and i noticed that i cant click on anything ... no link or button is working..
    Can you please chack and tell me what is wrong?

    ---------------------I resolved the issue just to know there is a problem with wishlist module in Prestashop still unresolved ..
    Nevertheless i am having difficulty with vertical menu....
    When i set a category with subcategory only the category is visible
    When i set a category with 2 levels of subcategories only the main and last child category is visible..
    Is there any pdf explaining the use of the model ? Cause i think there is a problem with it? 
    If you visit you will see that no subcategories level2 and 3 are visible..

    I got info through your pdf...  all resolved.....thanks

  •  331
    Andrea replied

    Your page is still functional, the buttons are links are still clickable
    Vertiacal-menu has only 1 level and you can add link, photo or product to it
    Your megamu is missing, go to \themes\name_theme\templates\_partials\header.tpl \themes\name_theme\templates\_partials\header\header_6.tpl
    search and fix DisplayHeaderMenu to displayHeaderMenu

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team