  Public Ticket #2953850
ist icon not showing on homepage and also i cannot add my own banners for categories page cover and products page cover


  • aymen started the conversation


    I am using PrestaShop with the NewYork theme :


    on my shop https://bee4gift.com/index.php?id_lang=1 I have 4 main problems : 

    1- list icon not showing on the homepage ( FAST FREE SHIPMENT, RECIEVE GIFT CART, MONEY BACK 100%, PREMIUM SUPPORT, MEMBER DISCOUNT )

    2-  I can not add my banners for categories page cover and products page cover 

    3- breadcrumbs are active on all page cover how can I use my own on different pages.

    4- when we enable field elementor the website display the following message :

    "add your heading text here" 



  •  327
    Andrea replied

    1. Your icon list is being overwritten by the slider, go to the file /themes/teenshop_theme1/assets/field-css/field_style.css
    and theme style as shown below
    2. Go to FieldThemes Configure -> Manage HTML customer and add a banner for your page. You need to choose the right hook for it to properly display your page
    Then you go to Manage Page builder and go to the hook you need to select to select the banner you just added
    3. breadcrumbs are installed common to all pages, you can only install 1 breadcrumbs image for your page in the backoffice.
    If you want to delete, you can go to each page in the template to delete the code of breadcrumbs. Or it is the default fix for each page and cannot be changed in the backoffice.
    4. Your page is using pagebuilder so you cannot use elementor for your page.
    If you want to use elementor, you can use an elementor page and go to FieldThemes Configure -> Field Importer to import the content.
    If you already have content in eleemtor, you need to go there and reselect the conent you just imported for your page so it has the correct content.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  • aymen replied

    i want to show my banner for products according to their categories like if customers open a specific product then it will show and enherite the banner associated to his category .

    Actually on my shop i have selected different banners for each categories and subcategories that i have but when i select any product from this category i get a black banner, i need either that the banner will be enherited from the category/ subcategories , or i have the possibility to set banner for each peoduct.

    how can-I do it?

  • aymen replied

    Please note that by black banner i mean Breadcrumbs banner

  •  327
    Andrea replied

    You cannot put images on the product detail page by category. Because each product can have many categories and the database does not have a field to store images for each product under each category. You need to select a common beracumb image for all products and CSM pages in Field Theme Customizer -> Background

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team