  Public Ticket #2008432
problem in prestashop bookshop


  • Gilang Megantara started the conversation

    hi, i just bought the theme, I uploaded some books, but the layout just 1 line below ( 1 item 1 row), in config i made 4 item per row. how to solve this? thanks

  •  331
    Andrea replied

    Hi Megantara,

    Thank you very much for your feedback!
    Please provide me FTP login information and Back Office access of your site.
    We will check as soon as possible

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  •   Gilang Megantara replied privately
  •  331
    Andrea replied

    Hi Megantara,

    Currently you are installing bookstore_home4 but your fieldhtmlblock data is available bookstore_home1
    You can replace the fieldhtmlblock module of home4 and the directory
    / var / www / html / bookstore17 / modules / fieldhtmlblock
    Then reset the module

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  • Gilang Megantara replied

    hi, Andrea,

    So, what i need is copy folder and file of fieldhtmlblock to themes / bookstore_home4 ? am i right?


  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    Hi Megantara,

    You need to do is:

    Remove and delete the current fieldhtmlblock module.

    Then take the module in the zip file and put them into root / modules / and install them.

    The folder of the module in the zip file is:

    Open zip / dependencies / modules /

    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  • Gilang Megantara replied

    hi peter,

    am i need to do to all module? i dont know why layout cant be good as the example


  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    Hi Gilang Megantara,

    I still don't understand what you want to say. Can you speak more clearly?

    Thank you for choosing our theme!

    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  • Gilang Megantara replied

    hi peter,

    i attach pic of our front interface,

    some layout overlap with other, and didn't like the demo site

    am i need to remove all module and install again one by one like the step you told me before?


  • Gilang Megantara replied

    hi Peter,

    How to remove summary description in featured product ?

    i have read documentation but didnt get answer.

    attach image below


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    Hi Gilang Megantara,

    go to the directory
    then edit the file fieldfeaturedproductslider.tpl
    edited into
    Please fix all the following product modules to clear the cache.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  • Gilang Megantara replied

    hi Andre,

    how to remove short description in fieldnewproductslider module ?

    since i didnt see code like other module,


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    Hi Gilang Megantara,

    On the web interface we have found you omitted the short description.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  • Gilang Megantara replied

    yes Andrea, some exploration and try to comment it.

    anyway, how to give a product badge sale and new ?

    like http://prnt.sc/nr7usi

    i try to tick this http://prnt.sc/nr7v1y

    but nothing happens


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    Hi Gilang Megantara,

    Please go here to configure
    If the new product you added is less than 90, it will be a new product

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team