  Public Ticket #1997987
image under Testimonials in Home Page


  • Domenico Ruggiero started the conversation

    Hi, how can I change the background image in the Tesimonial Block in Home page?

    Thank you

    Domenico Ruggiero

  •  331
    Andrea replied

    Hi Domenico Ruggiero,

    You can go to the directory:
    then change the background image

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  • Domenico Ruggiero replied

    Thanks Andrea! It is ok, now.

    I have the same question for the images of categories (370x500) displayed in Home.

    Why is there not a simple way to change them?

    Thanks a lot,


  •  331
    Andrea replied

    Hi Domenico Ruggiero,

    That block displays the category picture if you want to change the image then go to that category to change the picture.

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team

  • Domenico Ruggiero replied

    Ciao Andrea, provo a scriverti in italiano visto che il tuo nome è italiano :)

    Ovviamente prima di scriverti avevo fatto quello che mi sembrava logico fare: inserire le immagini alle categorie (vedi immagine allegata), ma continua a mostrare l'immagine predefinita (noimage.jpg)

    Dove sbaglio?


    Domenico Ruggiero

  • Domenico Ruggiero replied

    ...l'allegato :)

  • Domenico Ruggiero replied

    Scusa per il disturbo, ora funziona :)

  •  331
    Andrea replied

    Hi Domenico Ruggiero,

    if you need help, please contact us, we will review and help you asap!
    Don't forget rating and give us some good words about our themes and our working on evanto.
    Many thanks in advance!

    Best Regards,

    Andrea - FieldThemes Support Team