  Public Ticket #1908356
active filter


  • amir started the conversation


    I want to know how to active filter search for new category ?

    thank you 

  •  1,588
    Criss replied

    Hi amir ,

    I'm not understanding what you mean?
    Are you talking about the filter problem in page new products?

    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  • amir replied

    I have added a set of brands
    When i click on a brand link, he show me all the products that the brand belongs to
    What I want is to appear by the side: the filte , like page of products

    Thank you for your help
    Frankly this is the best product I bought thank you again

  •  1,588
    Criss replied

    Hi amir ,

    Sorry, filter block is block of PS, we don't make changes to them. Therefore, pages that do not appear are due to the function of the module set up by PS.
    We do not have much experience to change that.
    wish you sympathize.

    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  • amir replied

    hi Edna

    It is really unfortunate
    I hope if there is an update in the future that you will work on this
    Any way thank you very much

  •  1,588
    Criss replied

    Hi amir ,

    Yes, we are currently waiting for the updated version of PS, if they support with other pages we will help you fix.

    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes