Comments Israel started the conversationJuly 14, 2017 at 6:11pmHello,how can i hide some parts of the index page?I would like hide the brands, the blogs post and testimonial. 287Martin repliedJuly 15, 2017 at 2:25amHi Israel , You can edit them in code at:\ Root \ themes \ name_theme \ teamplate \ index.tplDelete {hook h="testimonials"} {if $page.page_name=='index' && isset($HOOK_SMARTBLOGHOMEPOST) && !empty($HOOK_SMARTBLOGHOMEPOST)} {$HOOK_SMARTBLOGHOMEPOST nofilter} {/if} and\ Root \ themes \ name_theme \ teamplate \ layouts \ layout-both-columns.tplDelete {if isset($HOOK_FIELDBRANDSLIDER) && !empty($HOOK_FIELDBRANDSLIDER)} <div class ="Brands-block-slider"> <div class="container"> {$HOOK_FIELDBRANDSLIDER nofilter} </div> </div> {/if}Or you can uninstall those modules. For example removing "fieldtestimonials", "smartbloghomelatestnews", "fieldbrandslider"Best Regards,Martin - FieldThemes Sign in to reply ...
how can i hide some parts of the index page?
I would like hide the brands, the blogs post and testimonial.
Hi Israel ,
You can edit them in code at:
\ Root \ themes \ name_theme \ teamplate \ index.tpl
\ Root \ themes \ name_theme \ teamplate \ layouts \ layout-both-columns.tpl
Or you can uninstall those modules. For example removing "fieldtestimonials", "smartbloghomelatestnews", "fieldbrandslider"
Best Regards,
Martin - FieldThemes