  Public Ticket #1229609
Kora Theme Logout PS 1.6


  • Emmemedia started the conversation


    I have PS version 1.6 and Kora 4 theme installed.

    Is impossible to logout.
    And at bottom ot the footer I have blocknewsletter duplicate

    How I can solve this problems?

  •  1,594
    Criss replied


    Thank you very much for your feedback!

    Please provide me FTP credentials and Back Office access of your site.

    We will check it and help you asap!

    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  •   Emmemedia replied privately
  •  287
    Martin replied

    Hi Emmemedia ,


    We have corrected your issue and created additional logout button in myaccount

    Best Regards,
    Martin - FieldThemes

  • Emmemedia replied

    Great Job!!!

    I'm satisfied for this! :D

    As the last thing I'm trying to show user icon login/logout in the navbar near to the cart and search icon. It's possibile do it?

    Or you can tell me indications how to do it?

  •  287
    Martin replied

    Hi Emmemedia ,

    Is this the problem you want?


    Best Regards,
    Martin - FieldThemes

  • Emmemedia replied

    No I want create something similar to this:

    save image

  •  287
    Martin replied

    Hi Emmemedia,


    This problem we can not help you,

    wish you sympathize.

    Best Regards,
    Martin - FieldThemes

  • Emmemedia replied


    Thanks very much for have correct the logout and newsletter issue ;)

  •  287
    Martin replied

    Hi Emmemedia ,

    No problem,

    Please let us know when something goes wrong

    Best Regards,
    Martin - FieldThemes

  • Emmemedia replied
    save image

    How I can remove the text "lorem ipsum etc..." ?

  •  287
    Martin replied

    Hi Emmemedia ,

    You can move text in files .tpl of modules that

    Best Regards,
    Martin - FieldThemes