  Public Ticket #1191491
right left column


  •  2
    manosSt started the conversation

    Hi again,

    i didn't want to disturb you again but i have a problem , i hope the last.  When i choose to pay with card appear the right and left columns. It was the same with cash on delivery but i unchecked in preferences->themes-> advanced settings and now it's ok.  In this settings there isn;t tis payment module. I searched in forums and i found that "

    $this->display_column_left = false;
            $this->display_column_right = false;"

    must be in payment controller of the module. But this code was already there as you see in second screenshot.

    Please can you help me to disable the columns ? Is the last ticket i submit

  •  287
    Martin replied

    Hi manosSt,

    Thank you very much for your feedback!

    Please provide me FTP credentials and Back Office access of your site.

    We will check it and help you asap!

    Best Regards,
    Martin - FieldThemes

  •  2
    manosSt replied

    Thanx a lot Martin!


  •  287
    Martin replied

    Hi manosSt ,


    We want you privide url , user , pw of back office.

    We will check it and help you asap!

    Best Regards,
    Martin - FieldThemes

  •  2
  •  287
    Martin replied

    Hi manosSt ,

    Oh! sorry,

    This is not our modules,

    We will not support 3rd party custom modules,

    Sorry you,

    Please contact the developer for support.

    Best Regards,
    Martin - FieldThemes

  •  2
    manosSt replied

    The first i did is to cntact with the developer of the module. He said that the  code

    $this->display_column_left = false;
            $this->display_column_right = false;"

    to not display in columns there is and so tis is theme problem.

    Can you please at least help me and tell where or what  to search?

  •  287
    Martin replied

    Hi manosSt ,

    We see you have fixed them?

    Best Regards,
    Martin - FieldThemes

  •  2
    manosSt replied

    Hi martin,

    yes i found it by accident.

    Thanl you!

  •  287
    Martin replied

    Hi manosSt ,

    Good morning,

    Yes, Have a nice day!

    Best Regards,
    Martin - FieldThemes