  Public Ticket #1188876


  • 홍들 started the conversation

    Hello. I had problem PrestaShop on Installation. On  System Configuration

    An error occurred during installation...

    You can use the links on the left column to go back to the previous steps, or restart the installation process by clicking here.

    1. 1: HTTP 500 - error -
  •  1,594
    Criss replied

    Hi 홍들,

    What theme did you purchase ?

    If this is the case please click agin link "clicking here"

    Let me know then.

    Have a nice day!

    Best Regards,
    Criss - FieldThemes

  • rquirola replied


    Si el servidor no tiene todos los componentes activos que exige la instalación en los pasos anteriores puede ocurrir eso, a mi me ocurrió y tuve que solicitar a mi hosting que habilitara esos componentes.


  •  287
    Martin replied

    Hi rquirola,

    You are installing prestashop default or is Quickstart of we?

    Best Regards,
    Martin - FieldThemes